Thursday, November 25, 2010


After presiding over the Summer Series' greatest ever 'late back' event on this map last season, Michael 'Marquis de Sade' Halmy might well have gone the double! Despite having the rack at this disposal, and the leg irons and hot coals handy, Michael chose that most devastating SSS weapon, the 'Late-Back' score deduction. And what devastating effects it had - Graeme Hill lost for 20" in the east, Helen 'Of Troy' Murphy 19 over in only claiming a fifty, our two leaders trading negative nines - and a splendid collection of zero's on the velcro board. The BNO maths department were flat out at the finish adding two here, or more likely taking off two there, as the tracks in Terrys Creek once again weaved their spell on a mesmerised crowd that found themselves short of a quid with the clock chiming 'over'!

Given the propensity to pre plan fast running times in the Terrys dungeon, it was no mean feat to pull off a clean circle that saw you in on or close to the 45. The planning distances seemed too short - that is, until you couldn't find the track to #25 from above, or the small creek crossing to #15 bought you out at the car wreck instead of the curious 'bike on pole'. And those that liked the run from 12 to 26 might have thought their map was 1:15,000, it took so long to get there. In summary, it seems the clue was to get in and out of the creek as quickly as possible. Lingering proved fatal for many summer series hands.

Looking at the course was best undertaken lying down - as many did. The 'Lip Balm' must have fallen for an eastern maiden, with many points, it seemed, close to New Zealand. There was also a small group in the south to temp competitors away from the more regular middle crossing, or the northern sweep along Epping Road. Another feature was a rather large hole in the middle, with nothing there to get you excited about a 22-29 route. So, given the need to work east of Terrys if you wanted to feature, what to do?

Many took off via #1,21,4,24 and the north, while others left #1 on a right hand lock for 23,13,15 etc. Of interest is the route of our winners Glenn and Richard - sweeping south via 11,2,22,12,23,13,3 (imagine climbing back up from 13 to go back for 3!) 26,15,25,5 and loop up the east and north on the way home. Turning back in the middle required some discipline, as the perfectly placed #18 was there to tempt runners further east than many were capable of. The slowies (like Porkus Pieface) ran 16-28, where those that had more legs linked 16-8-18-28. A nicer route if you had the pace (Anto Petterson did this), but fatal if you had been slow in the creek.

It looked a low score evening, and so it proved with packed back boards and not much trumpet music above 400. There was some discussion as to the merits of wider deployment, and I know there are fans of this out there. I think the Series can cope with all styles, although I have a propensity for good medium ability scoring as an encouraging device. How often have we seen the far flung tenner 'just for Andrew of Glenn'.

One thing I love about a Mike Halmy event, are his beautiful coloured clue sheets - in marked contrast to Rosscoe's anniversary effort last week. Nice to return to the original start location for this map, and to see such good clues, good pot locations and to get such a cracking evening. A great roll up - over 200 it seems - and great fun, as always. I'm finding it hard to locate the lonely pot - maybe 29 might be it as the furthers east. Six would miss out for the northern loopsters, and I don't think many fell for the 2 and 22 tender trap, but all were given the 2B by someone, so no obvious award. Sorry folks.

So, how did the gee gees perform?

With 500 apiece, Richard Green 'Top' had twenty seconds from Glenn 'Horlicks' Horrocks as they swept the lot in 9.14 and 9.34 over respectively. Amazing running, and well clear of the next best - a tidy 460 by Dave Hegarty. As I mentioned earlier, there were few above 400 - indeed, Steve 'The Commissioner' Ryan's 450 is the only one - with five nags nibbling 400 (Mark Schaefer, Tommy Joss and Jeremy 'The Brush Turkey' Fowler in OM, Anthony 'Pet Sounds' Petterson (MM) and Wendy in the W Vets). Our best Open Women scoring was Carolyn Haupt with 360, from Malin Andersson's 350 and a top run by Catherine 'River Cruises' Murphy with 330. Sister Clare (of the poor nuns) put up 280 and was no doubt forced to shout the bar. Kelly Dohle whacked 300, while Sharon Lambert posted 260. And in a first for the Series, Jo Sinclair and two week old Leah (!) raced in for a tidy 160. This might be our youngest ever participant.

High threes were to be found in OM (Chris Jacka 'Boot' 390, Joel P 360), MW (Mary Fein 370) and MM (Dave Bray 360 and Pete Annetts 370), but nowhere else. The Vets put up a brace of 350's (Andy Graham 'Off The Bone', Graeme 'Ring First' Dawson, Pete Hibberd and John Brayan 'Tree'), with the Supers finding nothing on the table above 320 (PP in a rare win). I think the Legends fell in behind Chippy and Heiko's 300, although Ron was not noted when the front bar called the first round. I think he was wrestling with the BN finish banner - you know the one, often found hidden behind the finish person! The LW points might have gone to Sue (150), with Angela in nothing land and Bryony in Melbourne.

Some other scores that took the eye of Porkie Pie were the perfect zero's. I think Terry 'Deep Blue Sea' Bluett went the zero route rather than the luscious 'minus' notation, in recording Monique Unger, Ian McKenzie, Lesley Cox, Phil Hardy, Stefan Petterson, Eric Chu, Hester Slade, Angla Murray and Nicole Petterson in this unique way. Congratulations to all these stalwarts of the series - and probably casualties of Terrys Creek!

Some other goodies are, Andrew 'Cafe L'Affare' Lumsden with 320 (VM), reversing numbers with Dan 'The Man' Redfern (230). Ian Jessup also carded a 320, to drop ten to Colin 'Medium Rare' Burnett. Ralph 'Great' Scott astonished with 260, but will need to do more to equal our web man, Dave '100 Basis Points' Noble who posted a 300. This sounds modest for David, maybe he too was caught in the creek. The Masters are always a good read. How about Trevor 'In Season' Hindson with 310, pipping Dmitry Stukov (300) and Graeme 'Brass Section' Woodward (270), but having to go all brotherly love as Gary Farebrother crashed through with 320. Wayne Pepper had the steak knives out for a modest 270 and will improve with better feed. Pete Day didn't need the torch for 230 in the same class, and led Stuart 'Classes' Deane (210) to the photo.

In the Vet Women, Sue Login 'With Lemon' put up 320 to claim from Robin Cameron (310) and Karin's 270. Julia could only find 200, with Jai doing time for only 50! The Debster was tidy with 260 as she gets her bags packed for the Wellington adventure. Mel walked 210, Robyn & Viv did likewise for 100 and Digby Pritchard got a lonesome tenner for his troubles. There was a curious entry called 'Girl Guides' who posted 80 points - no doubt in the croup category. There was also Michael 'Balmoral' Roylance who is going by bike rather than royal coach. I think it might be knees, so he obviously should consult Warwick.

Lots of good Super Vets on the trot, with Ian Miller's 230 ceding to Steve Holloway's 250 and the other WHO bluebag, Steve Dunlop, with 370. Johnny '& The Hurricanes' Giles played hard for 250, and was only modestly beaten by President Paul Prudhoe who put on 260 - well down on Board expectations. Ernie made 200, as did David Bowerman. Uncharacteristically, Wazza mucked up around #25, and lost time. The after effects of the World Rogaine in NZ the previous weekend no doubt being a factor on the good Doc.

To finish, let's climb on the community bus - where we find last weeks Legend Dave Stitt, now back among the pack with a modest 120. Dave Lotty put on 200, and is also reported to have done the lantana tango on route from 14 to 24! Good to see retirement working its magic on the grey ghost. Ken Jacobson was handy with 280, clear of Mal Gledhill's 240 and Ted's 270, and lower 200 scores from Bruce Stanley 'Knife' and Dave 'Sorry, I've Got To' Dash. Despite being close to home, Bruce Dawkins missed the cut with only an 80 on the back nine, and will need to work the putter harder in future.

There were, of course, many other high and low scores - and even some fair to middling ones. That seems to be the way in the Sydney Summer Series, as runners strap on the nose bag and get on the flog at these weekly race meetings. The next of which - is a return to Artarmon and a bit of fast driving under the Gore Hill. The location is close to Artarmon train station for those that like the public transport option. James Lithgow has things well in hand and promises another cracker at what will be for many, a new venue. At least, a new starting venue. Don't miss it and your chance to 'go for gold' in the race of the century!

A final point before I rest the pencil stub (and reach for a Reschs). The 20 question quiz is still open, so please give it a crack. As long as your entry is with me by event 11 at Blackman Park, you could be in for the glory. Entries are already 'flooding in'!!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010


After early showers, the weather cleared for a perfect evening of cunning running as we celebrated our 20th anniversary bash at Balls Head. Great to see a terrific crowd on the lawn, eyeing Porkies large, celebratory 1:5,000 scale map with its mysterious 'tunnel', and also Bryony's yummy cake stand. In what might be a record attendance, the stewards counted 248 cards and 280 riders all saddled up, flanks glistening and itching to join the fray.

As was very appropriate, original course setter Bill MacLean was in attendance and manned the starters gun in between signing autographs from adoring fans. Great to see Bill out amongst us again. Even more amazing, was to see our original winner, Eric Morris, up from Canberra and joining us for an anniversary run. Eric put up a very credible 500 points in the NSW Stingers colours - a top performance from our original star.

As everyone discovered, the Balls Head map had been given a make over by Jim and Rosscoe, and now sported an exceptional new addition - the old coal loader area and its tunnel. This gives us the ability to set a circular route here instead of the old out/back along the same entry road. Although we had field worked the coal area buildings, construction workers turned up a week ago to begin the final make over (coffee shop etc) and this area had to be, sadly, made out of bounds. When all is finally open, this will add even more to the enjoyment of this great location - and will be great for one of Terry's sprint courses.

So, a big limited edition map just to be different, and to make it special for our anniversary. But did you notice that Pork Pie (now known as Pork 'OPSM' Pie) delivered a rather small clue sheet! This seemed to be set in some strange future milenium, with a date of '20120', in a land where 8pt type is probably mandatory, and where bend and end are no longer confused. Apologies for this squinting exercise from the old bloke, who was so obsessed with getting things 'six up' that he didn't notice the size. Also apologies for not noting the fence corner at #26 as 'above' as I meant to. Most runners got this with the old in/out on the way via 7 and 8, although a few found the steps from below and worked it into the lower route.

Bit hard to comment on your own course, although I think I might have been a bit hard and probably should have dropped #21 and #11 and redeployed them closer in. Most seemed to enjoy the Balls Head component and the tunnel, with the smart runners ignoring the spectacular outlook from the bare rock at #9. This only worked for the speedsters, and those that cracked it straight up. Timmy Cox 'Less Fours' lost time here and there were tales of others discombobulated - probably on the higher grey area. The clue was the small track and boulder cluster, but it was a bit of a trap. The rest were a sweep, with Peter Hibberd 'In The Hand' dropping to #20 on his counter clockwise run, and the climbing back to go 10, 30 and 8 etc. One finisher was overheard to say he couldn't find #10 and its spectacular view from the lower track! I suspect the 20 metre cliff between the two spots might have had something to do with this.

Of interest in picking up the pots yesterday, I found the cave dweller at #30 in residence! He had his bedding stretched out just below the pot, which he thought was some sort of insect trapping device. Summer Series Pest Services, mmmm!

Of the mainland pots, many runners managed 24 and 22, and many more were sucked southeast to Sawmillers Reserve and its yummy rusty ship. Good points there, especially if you added #25, but you needed the Ventolin to work the uphill sections and not drop behind Big Ben. The bamboo thicket at #14 was another line ball decision, and at about 400 metres, probably not on most menu's. Inexplicably, Glenn left off #3 just over the rail bridge in his plus six run for 530 points, and second place behind a great 540 win from OM star Dave 'Thirroul' Hegarty. Not sure if Glenn forgot 3, as he normally 'does' the lot, and rather more quickly than in the manner Paul Keating was going to 'do' John Hewson in a previous age. At least young Glenny popped in for tea and scones at #21 (the lonely pot award for sure), one of the very few who visited this northern outpost, although I note young Adam 'Busters' Halmy also roared past this tranquil spot in his excellent JM outing for 380 points. Adam's card is quite something to see, stretching all the way from 21 to 29(!) with a western bias. Pot 29 must have been tackled on an in/out basis, because he ignored all else at Balls itself. Adam is obviously a fan of the Tunnel!

Apart from noting Wendy pulling 510, Greg Barbour back in town - and running up 450 tries in the All Black colours, Julian 'History Will Show' Ledger penciling 350, and first timer Monique 'I'm Not' Unger taking home a minus ten, Porky seems to have gone all 'thing' about the results at his own event, and has been helped from the track by the officials and told to rest the pencil and take a restorative powder (older readers will know what I mean). Apologies for not noting more race scores this week, but our man at the tote promises to return to form as the 'reporters reporter' after next week's outing at Epping. Speaking of which, we should note that our setter next week, Michael 'Cid' Halmy (Adam's dad), was the setter here last year at the event with the most ever number of 'late backs'. Over 80% as I recall. Michael has moved the start to Forest Park, but don't be fooled - the siren song of Terrys Creek is waiting. So get your ration pack out and prepare for more fun in the burbs as we look forward to SSS event #8. Easy to get to by train if your inclined, but no matter how you travel, it will be a blast and not to be missed - especially for all the Vets who are enjoying a Michael Burton free Indian summer. Be there!

A couple of small tasks before closing. The Pork got rather ahead of himself last week, as the final results showed Adrian 'Oil Paints' White did in fact have a late run and posted a top score. I was thinking of a revised title - something like, 'Green over Yellow as White emerges from Black'. Also, regarding the 20 question quiz, you can have a go at this at your leisure over the next few weeks, as long as I get the entries by week 11 at Blackman Park. I didn't mean it to be filled out on Wednesday, although I have one entry already. The questions will be posted to the web site and I'll also file the answers there in the new year. Have a go - as they used to yell from The Hill. The prizes will be awesome!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


And what a love-in it was last night. SSS competitors, becoming used to the pavement in recent weeks, couldn't keep the smile off their faces as they ran the grassy pastures of Callan Park. It is always a great run here, and, despite the early rain, well over 200 entrants (and probably around 240/250 nags in toto) put the sauce bottle to work and piled on big scores at Tarzan & Jane's excellent course. And at the top of the board with withering 600 point runs, 'One Day I will Be' Richard Green (42.33) tweaked The Glenn Nursing Home (44.30) by a couple to take the chalk, with Adrian 'The Drain' White nowhere to be seen. The big Mac was heard to say "If only I'd gone for that extra 500 metres!"

So, another great Wednesday event, and as Tim Winton wrote, 'even the damp was damp' as once again Sydney screwed up its skies and gave us a right early soaking. Let's hope this is not a pattern, as next weeks cake run is also from open beginnings. Anyway, the initial wet gave way to a reasonably fine evening with later runners only feeling a trickle in the socks as they engaged in grassy oval splash therapy.

Dave, our previous results guru, has been hiding so far this year (something to do with tax and midnight), so it was great to see him at work with the pots. The course presented a well packed main park section with a bit of stretchy stuff for the guns along the canal. Many thought the 490 around Callan not quite enough and toyed with the siren thirty pointers (24/26) at the north end of the drain. The connection was a modest ten pointer (#3) and not much else, and this excursion south proved the undoing of many - especially when understanding the location of #19, on the other side of the new tram line. Wazza Selby had plenty in hand at 11, and dropped the right boot to sweep up the Haberfield crumbs - only to find Mr Tic Tok giving him ten points in the bin for his trouble. Warwick's SVM compatriots liked it a lot and hope for a repeat performance.

Most runners must have wanted to join the young joggers with jewelery doing the Bay Run, and took off via 2, 14, 22, 27 and the harbour pots, before a circle home around the buildings. This led to a nice final loop via 16, 12 and 8 to the Terry Murphy table, with the OOB fence only providing a minor nuisance. Competitors that failed to see this fine stripy magenta work, and took off in the opposite direction to #8, had to backtrack to pot 12 from above (the Bear Grylls attack as Jesso called it) cursing their eyesight, and consumed by 'bad beginning angst' - a common SSS condition. Both circles involved a bit of loopy stuff, with the almost flat 120 points (29,9,21,13,25) around the big building being particularly delicious. Strangely, many dropped #9, coming home directly from 29 to 25, after maybe adding the tiny doorless dunny control to the western sweep from 4 and 13.

Fewer seemed to start south, although going the 'bird bath' start had adherents, as did the Balmain Road connection from 28 to 25 (I kid you not). How to work in #4? Is #3 worth it? Will Bar Italia have mussels on the menu? Is James Lithgow going to pike out yet again? Things that go through your mind. Sixteen from below bought on an attack of the Bensen & Hedges, ten and twenty dragged runners from their comfort zone (10 specially had 'mug' written all over it) and numero uno (lonely pot by a mile) was created for those that will need future knee surgery. The rest were pure magic. Grass, buildings, paths, roads in a dazzling array of pure score orienteering at its best. What a night - everyone LOVED it!

Looking at some of the early score postings, Velcro was well out in front. No, well, we have already pointed the finger at our winners. But, hey, everyone's a winner at the summer series - including David 'No 10' Blair with minus 60, Hazel 'Not Another Cigar Bob' Bluett with 180 and Helen 'Sodium' McDonald with 140. Good to see these horses on the paddock. Also good to see our power walkers on the stretch, with Mel 'Odey Maker' Cox pencilling 400 and Kathryn a tidy 250. Although the PW's are yet to 'explode' as in the Melbourne series, it is worth reiterating that walkers should only walk, and not run whenever a bit of downhill looms, or the time limit looms. We rely on integrity and honesty here and hope all walkers understand this.

The Juniors put up a few points, with Huon Wilson's 500 just shading Matty Hill's 490. Laurence Jones 'Bay Wharf' had the yacht tied up for 420, Dunk Currie ran up 450 and Sebastian PZ presented an even 200 to the stewards. In the JW's Rachel and Michele filed another close one at the top of the table, while Carla 'I love Paris' Burnett was presidential for 410. The Open classes were missing Andy Hill, but a trio of 540's managed to keep column A smoking (Steve Ryan, Dave 'The Artist' and Jeremy Fowler), closely followed by James 'The Ink Bottle' McQuillan (530), Chris Jacka (520) and a couple of five tens (Tommy Joss and The Slatts). In the filly's, Lisa Grant and Sue Davis put up 530's to shade Tracy Marsh and Catherine 'Stone' Murphy with very fine 520 runs. Marlin Andersson and Kelly Dohle (470), Claire Winnick (460) and Carolyn Haupt (450) also looked sharp, crossing the line clear of Mel Selby, Claire Murphy and Sharon 'No Matter What The Weather' Lambert who had 440's. A couple more Open scores noted - Pete Chippy with 480, David Kricker 'Bat' with 470, Nathan 'Otto' Dix with 360 and Alix 'The Bottle' Sewell with 430. Fun, fun in the young gun classes.

As we go up to the Masters, the tension rises. Kar-Soon put on 570, Shane Henry 'The Eighth' had 540 wives, and boasting rights over Pete Annetts and Timmy 'The Toolman' Austin with 530's. Davy Bray was a 540 man, Graeme Mac did 480 on the slow grill and Anthony Petterson sat with Shane and 540. Willy Night worked the crowd for 370, and had to sleep in. In the mares, another trio had the old members reaching for their G&T's - Sue Login, Cath Chalmers and Rachel Merton 'The Home Unit' all put up 480, to nose out Margaret 'Oh Rhet' Jones and Linda 'Dinner Ale' Sesta (460/440). We won't mention Mike Free, who ran against doctors advice, but with cheeks together for a passable 480. This stallion wont lie down!

The Vets saw more fun, with 'The Door' and 'Esso Besso' creating havoc with 500's. Larry was clean with 480, Wiz toyed with 460 and Eoin pushed the pram for 220. Pete Marshall wrote in 470 while Danny Redfern went wide on the rail for 450 (as did Colin 'T Chocolate' Burnett. Wendy rattled off a stunning 550 (!!) to well and truly jump the field. karin's 470 looked the best of the rest with Robin and Airdrie in mid four territory and Jai a few tomatoes back in the high threes. As competitive as the Vets are, the Supers are really going the throat. How about Ian Cameron kicking 530 goals, to push Stevo Flick (530) and Gordy (500) off the podium. Ian has found exceptional pace and is sure to push Wazza throughout the series.

Julia Prudhoe put up a tidy 420, forty on from Helen Murphy 'Pearl'. Ted Woodley 'Harvey Oswald' and Dave Stitt had 400's to claim from Judge Murphy (360), but were no match for Selwyn and Steve, the WHO maestro's and their 460's. Warwick, as noted, worked the singlet for a 570 minus ten minutes, and was seen to leave early - again! The apres O police will be taking names at Balls Head Wazza.

In the Legends, Barry Cole 'Ic' patted the baby for 270, while the rest did battle up the board. Tearaway Ted is beginning to fire with a great 470, a touch behind another good run from Ronny (480). Heiko and Mal put up 450's, Dave Lotty (470) was surprisingly beaten on his home ground, but had too much for Chippy (440) and Tim 'WS' Cox (420). Bryony, on the other hand, looks liked winning again with 410 from Sue 'Ted This Distance' Thomson's 360. Ange's score was not noted unfortunately.

As always, there were many fine runs the the Porkie failed to note, but hopefully this gives a snapshot of the night and the form of some of the better known nags. Place your bets ladies and gentlemen, as we race on till Christmas - and till Michael Burton returns!

Next week, see The Porkster in charge of the evening, with our 20th anniversary run at Balls Head. We meet in the usual place, but because of a morbid fear of rain, we may set up under the bowling club deck, where deploying the tarps will be easier. Let's hope for a fine one, so we can celebrate the run, and twenty years of Summer Series fun. Of interest in that first outing (set by Garingal's Bill MacLean and won by Eric Morris), were that 30 and 45 minute times were on offer, with a mass start option for those that wanted to 'test their speed'! Total points were 98 from 23 controls (flags with punches). Much has changed, but not the spirit. Expect a few suprises in one of our favourite areas.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rosscoe, Rosscoe...

It seems the old fella needs a rest, and a maths lesson. Next week at Rozelle Hospital is indeed event 6, not 5 as alluded to in the latest race report below. This probably also means Bryony has won five from five, not four from four as reported. Time flies sports fans.

Summer Series punters enjoyed a great evening last night, as young Duncan and dad Colin put on a pearler of close to perfect proportions at Kissing Point Bay. With the weather rather kinder than the week prior, Dunk invoked the 'portrait' format of the big Kiss, and waited for the hill climbers to arrive. And arrive they did - by the bus load! With the Knox kids in early, and the Paddy Pallin promotional magnet working, it seemed like our biggest outing so far this season. Such was the throng at this idyllic spot, that the 230 pre printed maps were all gone at 6pm and later starters waited on a bit of map recycling before working the string - and the thighs. Fantastic stuff.

As well as a bit of the old 'upsey, upsey', Duncan had included the nice riverside stuff, and worked a cunning middle grouping that had many old hands lingering in their auto's with puzzled brows as they tried to work the contour/points equation. The climb proved to be needed if you wanted to score, so many included the 19,30,14,20 flog before descending to the more agreeable middle and river pots. The guns also did battle with the blackberry in the 6,22,18 loop in an up/down, up/down dance that saw them on the Victoria Road sniff twice. Talk about energetic!

Those eschewing the brown lines, saw salvation in a cunning route back from 11,21 to 23, and then via 9,15,17,5,26,13 before toying with a touch of 30 point in-out work. The run home from the north and west was a beauty with soft grass and views galore along the riverside. And how many misread #28 as being a mere sweep-by pot, only to run the 100 k's each way to the end of the wharf! Well it felt that way to the old Porkie.

Although many initially ran south to the Punt, and it's 40 points, most saw this as a distraction and flew off to 16 and a bit of asphalt athletics. I think if #2 had been a twenty pointer, the balance would have changed. But all in all, a terrific course with much to puzzle over, and many options. As a testimony, Glenn once more put the yellow tee through the ringer with a perfect run for the lot in 45.20 (and 580 points, the top score on the night). He worked the Punt before the eastern pots, climbed to 14, descended to 25 and 5, climbed back to 6 etc before a great middle loop (1,13,17,23,9,15,24,25) and the dash home. The 'Lending Library' had too much for his MM peers and even the Open stallions (no doubt exhausted after performing on Melbourne Cup day), with Dave 'Topiary' Hegarty and Adrian 'Flat' White closest on 560. Stevie 'Niks' Ryan was half a head back with 550.

Looking again at the portrait, I'd have to give the lonely pot award to #1 - probably sitting out the dance by quite a wide margin. Checking the contours in this vicinity, it's no wonder most runners brutalised #25 from below and gave numero uno the flick. Nothing else seemed to lack friends and visitors, with runners literally everywhere - and approaching checkpoints from all directions. Excellent indeed.

Before looking at a few scores, I should reiterate that these musings are very much 'unofficial' scores and may not be as finally posted. They give a good picture of proceedings I hope. There is the odd howler, like last nights Super Vet Men having an attack of the vapours when Steve Holloway was posted with a sensational 470 points - but were collectively restored when a 210 amendment was pencilled. So, what else do we see?

Lisa Grant put up a fantastic 510 in OW, forty on from competitor Gill Fowler and well clear of other women competitors in all classes. The only other 500's I saw were Pete Annetts with 510 in the Masters and a couple of 500 scores in the OM group (Simon Williams and Tommy 'The' Joss 'Stick'). Cath 'Earthquake' Chalmers looked good with 460 in MW to stay level pegging with several of her MM counterparts. Kar-Soon, Chris 'Night' Frain 'To Budapest' come to mind, with Michael Free and The Tax Review a tad looser at 450. Richard Green and Gray McLeod carded 480's, as did Pete 'The' Fallows 'Field'.

Some of the Vets put on a show in the high fours, with Wendy 'I Love Blackberries' Stevo (480) and Graeme 'This Is Sydney Tower' Dawson carding 460. The Supers were down a bit, with Steve Flick, James 'Volvo' Lithgow and Ian 'Breathe Normally' Cameron clocking 440's, Neil in the brown and yellow 430, and some honest work in the Singapore singlet by Paul 'The Gardner' Prudhoe for 380. Dave Bowerman 'Kind' got 360, while Terry gave Steve Dunlop 320 days in the slammer for being noisy in court. Good runs from these stalwarts of the series.

Robin Cameron (VW) put up 410 to stay clear of Karin Hefftner (360) and Debbie 'King' Byers (300), whilst Bryony punted another banana through the big sticks in the LW for 310 to shade Ange (300) and Janet Morris's modest 200. That is four from four for the GO star, and a great start to her 10/11 season. At the other end of the ages, Michele 'Copter' Dawson had ten from Rachel Noble (410/400), with both putting on a terrific battle in the Juniors. The young blokes didn't seem to catch the Porkster's eye, except for a great run from Matty 'Shampoo Then Conditioner' Hill - noted as 490. Jeez... 490!!! Crikey, I think I'll cut out that article about arthritis and have show it to a few of my mates. Or maybe just reach for a Reschs.

There are a few other scores that seemed to appear on my note pad. How about Mel Selby running straight past #7 but still managing 430, the same as Claire 'I Like To' Winnick. 'Our' Tracy Marsh ran up 390, as did Carolyn 'With Water' Haupt - ahead of Shazzo Lambert's 360 and another tidy outing from Nerise McQuillan (280). Janet 'The Putter' Eagle and Linda 'I Need A' Sesta worked 300 into the cup (both MW), as did last weeks setter Peter Hibberd - this time running with daughter Natalie in tow. And good to see a new SSS runner up from Tuckonie Orienteers in Victoria, Lisa Linssen timing her run nicely to finish in 45.20.

Ian 'The Turin' Froude piled on 370 in VM to claim from Rod 'Gold Coast' Parkin and Stuart McWilliam on 330 each. Mal Gledhill took home 330 also in the Legends, but didn't, unfortunately, take home the lollies. These seemed to have gone to Heiko and Chippy who both pulled off very strong 400's. Ron might have been thereabouts also, and all were out from Teddy's 360. The man in the suede shoes is just getting fired up though, and will improve with a firmer track. Ken 'Zo' Jacobson was well attired for 370 (as all good Legends should be) and had a bit too much for Timmy Cox (330) and Barry 'The Prime Minister' Cole (200). Viv and Robyn pulled on an early walk for 210, Jai Di Tom Tom navigated a tidy 300, and Ant 'Eric' Burnett plundered 460 - such is the range and quality of the Summer Series earnings profile. Sydney is in love with Wednesday evenings - you betcha!

Ooh. One last classic. Ian Miller reports to being 'embraced' by two (!) women on the wharf as he ran out to #28. Or maybe it was Ian who did the embracing? Now I know the wind there was bracing, but.... !!

I should also mention a couple more things.

Firstly, runners who surrendered their maps last night (grateful thanks) can print off a new copy from the Garingal web site - where a copy of the course is to be found on the 'recent results' page link ( We will also have some there next week. Secondly, many would have heard about the Sportident electronic punching (scoring) system used in orienteering and the Sydney Sprint Series. We are going to try this with the Summer Series at a few selected events to help speed up results processing with the first outing at event 10 on December 8 at Lindfield. A flyer giving details will be posted to the Summer Series web site and you expect to hear more at coming events.

Also worth a plug is our 20th anniversary event in two weeks at Balls head. Expect something BIG and something NEW at this old and fantastic venue. But before that, we move on to event five over at Callan Park, with Dave 'The Mo' McKenna in charge. This is always a great venue, and will also be another Paddy Pallin promo evening. Bring Grandpa, bring Uncle Dave - even bring cousin Eileen who won the egg and spoon at Normanhurst West School in '62. It will be another SSS cracker.

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