Tuesday, September 21, 2010


There is a feeling of excitement in the air with the 10/11 season almost upon us. With just two weeks to go before Dan 'The Stationmaster' Redfern whistles the all clear at Woolwich, Pork Pie is adjusting the dressing gown and searching for the 2B. All the stars are aligning for another great season of park and street orienteering in Sydney town, with the tote already humming as wallets are opened for the biggest punts in the country. Can 'Sir' Waza Selby win again in the Super Vets? Will Andrew Hill 'Song' sweep all before him in Open Men now he is back for a full season? Can Sue 'The Kirribilli Queen' Thomson claim the elusive SVW title, or will she go for gold in the Legends? Will 'Steady' Teddy overhaul Ronald 'The Great Train Robber' Junghans now he is injury free? Can Michael Free be truly 'Free'?

You can see why all Sydney is talking!

In my last post I alluded to four new maps with a childish sense of wonder and incredulity. I think I should make that five! When you add in the expanded Watsons Bay map to our other four (Balmain, East Killara, SOP and the Cooks Canals) I have a feeling I need a maths lesson. Although a few Sprint Series competitors enjoyed the 1:5,000 version of 'Watsons' earlier this year, the expanded SSS version is, in effect, another newie. Bonza stuff indeed.

Something else to start drumming up a song and dance about is our walkers category - now renamed Power Walkers! Again we are offering only men and women power walking competitions (no age classes) but we are hoping to see greater numbers participating. Power Walking is a big part of the Melbourne Summer Series, and we would like to think we can attract similar numbers. So spread the word. Tell granny, tell your neighbours. Enjoy the fun of the Sydney Summer Series without that damp patch developing on your T shirt! And let's not give Mel 'Ted Cheese' Cox another reason to take home TWO badges. Power Walkers, this is your time for glory.

Many SSS competitors will be heading off to Adelaide on Friday for the Aussie Orienteering Champs Carnival week - honing their skills for what really counts - the Summer Series! The Porkster is amongst them so will rest the blog pencil until we gather at Woolwich. Note that results posting this season will be undertaken by the setters (not Dave McKenna, sadly) and we may have longer to wait to check 'if I've beaten Larry'. Dave Noble will continue to alert registered competitors when results are posted so that aspect remains as before.

A great season awaits. Time to dust off the shorts and get excited. See you at Woolwich on the 6th.

1 comment:

x said...

Punditry on this years SSS Masters seems like an easy task this year. Lets start by separating the contenders into bands. Assuming that Richard Green is going to own up to his age, then the top prize is a race in two, between Richard and Glenn.

The next band is likely to be filled by last years tied triumvirate of Peter, Michael and Kar-Soon.

Any threats to the top five?, well there are two with work/life balance problems. Well SSS/everything else prioterisation issues at least of Tim Rogers and David Bray. This pundit is going to assume that a similar attendance records will lead to similar results. Even considering David Brays recent sub 3:30 marathon.

Thats 7, who else threatens? Shane Henry has been showing some fine form in some winter orienteering events. Graeme Mcleod has not been seen, but the risk is that his debut 6ft track Marathon (5:30 hours) may have turned him into a running machine. Anthony Peterson looks to be coming into the season having been left in the clover paddock a little long, but expect him to work his way into the season.

So here are my picks for the top 10 this year.

1) Glenn Horrocks
2) Richard Green
3) Michael Free
4) Kar-Soon Lim
5) Peter Annetts
6) Tim Rogers
7) David Bray
8) Shane Henry
9) Graeme Mcleod
10) Anthony Petterson

Perhaps the most controversial pick being last seasons open champion to get his flag lowered by Glenn, but a little analysis of last years scores reveals that the true premier division is Masters and betting against the yellow shirted one is fraught with danger.

Picking Michael to beat the faster Kar-soon and the Navigationally superior Peter may seem odd, but again history is often a better guide that a shiny coat or a 18 hand stature.

Of course if the president of Striders could extricate himself from his work, his family and his other running commitments more often he would threaten, but last time I checked he lacked superpowers.

So thats my picks for this year.

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