Thursday, October 22, 2009

Terrys Creek bush no burden to Burton

Michael 'Bombs Away' Burton carried all before him last night to post the winning score of 470 points at Terrys Creek, Eastwood. Summer Series event three saw the 'Burt' legs akimbo and at top speed on a loop that included the creek tracks and associated controls, as he sought to reassert control after 'standing still' at the recent World Masters Orienteering races. With Glenn 'The Lot' Horrocks out for over 66 minutes (380 points), MB revved up the shorts and popped this one in the bag.

But, how was it for the rest of us? After a sweltering start, the 5pm southerly change helped the later runners post reasonable scores at Mike 'The Hangman' Halmy's long and tough course - with close to 200 punters on the flog in this underused area. For many, it was their first outing here, and Michael used the best bits, including a strong focus along the creek. This required a bit of road work before the bush tracks yielded their magic, but what magic. Galloping along beside 'Judge Murphy' was a delight indeed - especially when a touch of red and white came into view! The danger, of course, is the very much slower speeds running the bush compared to the roads, and many emerged from the creek-line for the dash home only to be caught short (Wazza being one) - and I don't just mean queuing for the musical toilet!.

Despite the bush track speed curve, the higher points came from a westerly route. Many leapt off south via #1 (some out/back #22) to an uphill stretch to #21 and then roared north to loop in 11, 5, 25, 15, 24 and points north. The young guns raced to Epping Road where a return via 19/18 had to be balanced with the 9/28 option. Downhill from 28 to 18 via the creek apparently worked although it looked daunting the other way round. I suspect most ignored the dangerous 10/30 excursion, so we will give this pair the 'lonely pot(s)' award. Even #20 required the nose bag on for those northern 'loopsters'.

On the way home, the line of runners going nose to tail via 26, 16, 3, 2, and 12 had Pork Pie thinking he was at Mascot for the evening peak. This loop also worked in reverse, with the annoying #14 a possible for those that didn't fancy a late push home up the hill to 21. Yet other competitors reported an easterly road run via 1, 22, 13, 23 and then to the creek, although this wouldn't appeal to the O crowd (and Dave 'The Lolly' Lotty) who love the sight of the green. And I don't mean front lawns.

In summary, a toughie, but a goodie. The good points drawing you north, and yet further north, were a cautionary tale and master setting indeed. Big thanks Michael.

The Pie managed to grab a few scores before the call of the Coopers took hold of the car keys, and it looked like Michael (what is it with all these Michaels!) Free carded an excellent 440 to post a win. The Free 'Insert' was chased home by Anthony 'Frank Sinatra' Peterson with 430, Glenn 'The Prospectus' Meyer (420) and Mark Von Huben posting 400. You can see that a score over 400 was dream for most. Sue 'When The Boat Comes In' Login stirred the pot with a fantastic 390, ahead of Lisa 'Civil War' Grant's more modest 350. Wazza's mate Neil 'Handball' Hawthorne was quoted at 380, and Graeme 'The Busdriver' Hill posted 340. Great scoring.

Other points The Porkie noted were the return of Chippy Le Carpentier and Peter 'WOC 85' Stevens. Great to see them both with map in hand (in Peters case, instead of a number 7 iron) and enjoying the great camaraderie of the Summer Series. Chippy clocked a very strong 310 in his first run back for many seasons. The Legends have a new threat looming! Heiko also posted 310, so things are going to get saucy here folks. Many more scores noted, including Mr YHA Julian 'The Blanket' Ledger penciling 250, former O star Ian 'Palm Oil' McKenzie working the joints for 260 and Steve Flick (8 out of 120 in World Masters O, a top result Steve) piloting new grandson Liam around in the running pram for 120. A star is born. And of course, who can forget the outstanding run of Meg 'The Basketweaver' Croft, on the board with 170, but looking to engage the mysterious 'Pork Pie' bonus system that can lift a score by 300 further points!! Go Meg.

Next week sees a return to the City of Parramatta with Neville and Lyn at the helm. This was a hoot last year as the white legs flashed amongst shoppers and commuters chasing the pots along the river and around the city buildings. The nearest we get to a Sprint O event, and this time without the football crowd occupying the car park. Don't miss it, or the apres O dinner at The West Ryde pub. A great dining room out the back for those that like a bit of post race analysis with their pie and mash.

1 comment:

Michael B said...

o did anyone else take the 'short' option 19-28, uphill through the green? It looked so tempting....

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